Robotic Hip Surgery

Miss Tross was the first woman in Europe to perform Mako robotic Hip Surgery and is able to provide robotic assisted hip and knee replacement surgery.

For this type of surgery, the surgeon remains in control of performing the operation and can override the robotic function if required. Data is collected either pre-operatively or intra-operatively about the patient’s joint and limb alignment and entered into the robot’s computer. From this, an assessment is made as to changes required to recreate normal anatomy and hence the desired position of the prosthesis. The robotic device then ensures this takes place by monitoring the position of the limb during surgery relative to the desired position.  This requires insertion of stereotactic pins in the limb which the robotic device monitors throughout the procedure. The insertion of these pins is usually away from the operation site and hence additional surgical wounds are required. Risks associated with the placement of these pins are infection, fracture through the pin site, neurovascular complications, muscle injury, scar tenderness or numbness, scar hyper, hypopigmentation or keloid scar formation. These are in addition to risks for hip and knee replacement surgery already outlined.

Whilst there is insufficient evidence currently that robotic assisted component insertion is superior to conventional surgery (recovery is faster initially but by six months there is no difference in terms of range of motion and function), it is the hoped that there will be better survival of these implants as normal anatomy has been recreated. Surgery takes a little longer than conventional surgery and carries more risk of complications.  The benefits outweigh the risk however for joints with gross deformity, abnormal anatomy or young patients for whom long term survival is ideal.

During your consultation, Miss Tross can discuss with you the risks or benefits of this procedure.

Contact For Appointments


Chiswick Medical Practice (HCA)
347-352 Chiswick High Road

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