Managing Your Health: Living With Arthritis

Living with arthritis isn’t easy; even simple everyday tasks can be painful and difficult to carry out. Daily tasks that we take for granted, such as cooking food or getting dressed, can be exhausting for someone who is suffering from arthritis.

For a lot of people, it’s something that they have to learn to live with. It’s important that you know how to look after yourself, so that that you can lessen the pain and stay as active as possible.

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There are lots of different things that you can do so that living with arthritis is a lot more manageable.

Rest When Needed

Arthritis causes fatigue in a lot of people. For those who are living with the condition, it’s not unusual to feel tired all the time. Even the smallest of activities, such as taking the rubbish outside, can cause you to feel tired for the rest of the day. As much as it’s important to remain active, it’s also important to get plenty of rest. The amount of rest that you’ll need is always dependent on the severity of your condition – you should be able to work out yourself when to rest and when to keep moving.

Eat a Healthy Diet

Eating a healthy and balanced diet is important for anyone and everyone, but especially people who are living with arthritis. Your diet should be low in saturated fat, cholesterol and salt. You should include lots of fibre into your diet, as well as complex carbohydrates. The types of foods that you should be eating include the following.

  • Fruit such as oranges and raspberries.
  • Lots of vegetables.
  • Meat such as chicken and turkey.
  • Fish
  • Nuts & seeds
  • Wholemeal rice

You should keep your weight healthy – extra weight can put more strain on your already fragile joints.

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Look After Your Joints

You need to make sure that you look after your joints – keeping them as healthy as possible is the key to managing the pain from arthritis. This includes avoiding any type of moving or lifting that might put stress on your joints or cause added pain. You should avoid gripping objects too tightly – get someone else to open that difficult jar. You should also try to avoid putting weight onto just one joint, such as holding shopping in both hands and not just one.

Are you a smoker? Now would be the best time to quit! People with arthritis have an increased chance of getting plaque in the arteries – something that is increased when smoking.

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If you’re suffering from arthritis and feel like nothing you are doing is relieving the pain and discomfort, it might be time to consider surgery.

When it comes to joint replacement clinics in London, we are definitely one of the best. Miss Samantha Z. Tross is reliable and recognised consultant with years of experience. When putting your health in the hands of the Joint Replacement Surgery, you can be assured that you’re in safe hands.

For more information please don’t hesitate to contact us. You can give us a call on 07943 947 639 and we will be happy to help. Please like our Facebook and Twitter pages too!